Parts Procurement
Sometimes finding parts for a vehicle that is over 65 years old can be a challenge. In the following pages, I shall try and list some of my main suppliers for my 1947 Chevy project.
1. Chevs-of-the-forties
This supplier is located in Vancouver, Washington USA. So far I have made 15 plus purchase orders to this supplier.
2. Thefillingstation
This supplier is located in Lebanon, Oregon USA. The only thing that I have ordered from this supplier are some molding clips.
3. Vintage Chevrolet Parts
This supplier is located in San Diego, California, USA. This was the only place that I could find NOS hood hinges.
4. Car graveyard
I found a car graveyard just north of Cavalier North Dakota. I purchased several pieces for my car here.
The cars belong to Bruce and Kally Werven.
They can be reached at
They are very accommodating and will supply a receipt on request for the customs people.
5. VaVaVoom Garage
Bill Harrison is located south of Altamont, Manitoba. This is his website:">